Portable Wooden Mini Black Walnut Watercolor Paint Box


  • Made from high-quality black walnut/cherry wood for a luxurious and aesthetic appearance
  • Treated with food-grade wood wax oil for waterproof protection, ensuring durability and longevity
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for use, providing peace of mind
  • Compact size (109mm x 38mm x 18mm) for easy portability and storage
  • Comes in different grid options (12, 16, or 24) to suit individual needs and preferences
  • Multi-functional design allows for organizing and storing different colors or materials
  • Versatile empty palette that can be customized and used for various art projects
  • Simple and minimalist design enhances the artistic experience without distracting clutter
  • Can be used for watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and other painting mediums
  • Easy to clean and maintain, allowing for convenient usage without hassle
  • Clear instructions provided for proper use and care of the wooden palette
  • Accurate measurements provided for accurate and precise painting.
SKU: mpk Category: